Weixin/WeChat Video Channel Event: Jay Chou's Two Live Streaming Music Concerts Re-screening This Week
A yearly Chinese romantic day, May 20 is approaching. The young people in China have gradually accustomed to going out for appointments or social requirements, especially sending gifts. This week, one more option comes for the nearest May 20 day. It's noticed that Jay Chou, well known as the Mando-pop king, with his two classic Chinese music concerts that will be broadcasted online on May 20 and 21, through Weixin/WeChat's Video Channel. Read the story below to get more info about the Weixin/WeChat Live Streaming Music Concerts.
Target Story Words
English Words:
Chinese Pinyin:
Standard Chinese:
Similar Chinese Words:
线上演唱会 xiàn shàng yǎn chàng huì The Live Streaming Concert online.
Related Chinese Words:
演唱会重映 yǎn chàng huì chóng yìng To re-screen the music concert or live show.
Related App:
微信 wēi xìn The most popular instant messaging tool and mobile app developed by Tencent.
QQ音乐 QQ yīn yuè Tencent' most popular music streaming app, aka. Tencent music app.
Jay Chou And His New Chinese Music Event
Jay Chou, with the Chinese name 周杰伦, is not a stranger to the worldwide audiences and fans, especially the worldwide Chinese communities and Chinese speakers. As one of the most popular male Chinese pop singers, an original Mando-pop musician, a songwriter as well as one of the best-selling Chinese artists, his Chinese songs have always ranked on the top 10 weekly hottest Chinese Music Charts, no matter how long those of the albums have been released.
周杰伦,英文名 Jay Chou,对全世界的观众和粉丝来说,并不是个陌生的名字,对全世界各个角落的华语圈子来说就更不是了。作为最受欢迎的华语流行音乐男歌手、原创音乐人、及中文流行音乐专辑最畅销记录的保持者之一,他的中文歌曲长期占据着每周热门中文歌曲排行榜前十的位置。
This week, this man will return to the eyes of the public audiences and fans again, with the help of the Weixin/WeChat's video channel platform. Continue reading the following story to get more details about Jay Chou's upcoming Weixin/WeChat Live Streaming Music Concerts online within two days.
May 20/21: Two Live Streaming Music Concerts on WeiXin/WeChat
520/521: 周杰伦的双场微信视频号演唱会
It's probably the time to remove the word "short" from the calling like "Weixin short videos" because to the public, it is no longer the short video feature channel only.
To be scheduled on the two nights of the week in May, TME Live (Live Business and Services by Tencent Music Entertainment) has officially announced that Jay Chou's two classic Chinese music concerts will be re-screened online on the nights of May 20 and 21 through Weixin/WeChat's Video Channel platform.
近日,腾讯 TME(腾讯音乐娱乐集团)超现场正式官宣了一则消息:将在5月20日和21日两个晚上通过微信的视频号重映周杰伦的两场经典中文歌曲演唱会。
It's also known that Jay's two live music concert re-screening, titled "Look Back to the Classic", is just the first part of their plan, then probably followed by the other re-screening schedules of more classic Chinese music concerts, with the subjects like "Salute to the Legend" and "The Return of HongKong Music".
How Shall We Enjoy the Upcoming Jay Chou's Weixin/WeChat Music Converts?
The upcoming Jay Chou's Weixin/WeChat Live Streaming Music Converts will be steamed online though not only the WeChat/Weixin Video Channel but also including a group of Chinese music streaming platforms backed by Tencent and TME Group. In other words, everyone can choose either the WeChat/Weixin's Video Channel or Tencent's music streaming apps like the QQ Music, Kugou Music, Kuwo Music, and WeSing (aka. National K Song) apps.
Recently, anyone could make an appointment to these two live streaming music concerts by tapping the button in the QQ Music app. No ticket booking, no money required, just launch the app on the scheduled day and make sure it's connecting to the network.
It's known that over ten million audiences and fans have already made appointments online till the last few hours of May 17, which just happened three hours later after the new announcement passed.
Steps to Watch the Live Streaming Concerts Re-screening on Weixin/WeChat
Launch the Weixin/WeChat app, go to Discover
from the bottom, tap Live
to enter the Weixin/WeChat's Live video channel. It's easy to find out from the top of Live
page that Jay Chou's re-screened live streaming music convert is streaming through either of two video channel accounts: the QQMusic, and the TMElive account. Tap either video channel, then you can enjoy the music concert online now.
打开微信应用,依次点击下方的“发现” - “直播”入口,进入微信视频号的直播列表页面。当前正在进行周杰伦演唱会重映直播中的两个视频号“QQ音乐”、
Concert One: Jay Chou's Opus Jay 2013 Concert Re-screening Online on May 20
名称:魔天伦 2013 演唱会重映 05/20
Artist: Jay Chou
歌 手:周杰伦
Language: Chinese Songs
Genre: Chinese POP
Main-Part Start Time: 2022-05-20 20:00 (UTC+8)
正篇:2022 年 05 月 20 日 晚上 8 点(北京时间)
Pilot-Part Start Time: 19:35 (UTC+8)
先导篇:2022 年 05 月 20 日 晚上 7 点 35 分(北京时间)

Concert Two: Jay Chou The Invincible 2019 Concert Re-screening Online on May 21
名称:地表最强 2019 演唱会重映 05/21
Artist: Jay Chou
歌 手:周杰伦
Language: Chinese Songs
Genre: Chinese POP
Main-Part Start Time: 2022-05-21 20:00 (UTC+8)
正篇:2022 年 05 月 21 日 晚上 8 点(北京时间)
Pilot-Part Start Time: 19:35 (UTC+8)
先导篇:2022 年 05 月 21 日 晚上 7 点 35 分(北京时间)

Look for starting Chinese learning entertainingly, to know more Weixin/WeChat events and usages, keep an eye on our updating at www.chinaclife.com.
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