The Upcoming Chinese Wuxia Animations List 2021-2023: Preview Chinese Martial Arts Aminations
What is your impression of wuxia and wuxia animations? The following story will be indicative of the upcoming Chinese wuxia animations list 2021-2023, characteristic creations but not covering all. As the popular genre among Chinese animations, wuxia is frequently mingled with other elements like Xuanhuan, Xianxia and even mecha in Chinese animations. Keep reading the following upcoming wuxia collection we arranged and with an eye open on other Chinese animation segments coming soon.
Target Story Words
English Words:
Chinese Pinyin:
Standard Chinese:
Similar Chinese Words:
中国武术 Zhōng guó wǔ shù Chinese Martial Arts, Kungfu in Chinese.
Related Chinese Words:
中国动画 Zhōng guó dòng huà Chinese Animations.
中国动漫 Zhōng guó dòng màn zuò pǐn Chinese Animes.
卡通片 Kǎ tōng piān Cartoons.
Related App:
哔哩哔哩 Bīlī bīlī Bilibili, China's largest Anime and Video sharing social platform.
爱优腾芒 ài yōu téng máng Top 4 of China's most popular video streaming apps including: iQiyi (International), Tencent Video (WeTV), Youku and Mango TV.
Table of Story
- Story Word in English / Chinese / Pinyin
- Listen to Chinese Pronunciation
- What are Chinese Wuxia Animations?
- The Upcoming Chinese Wuxia Animations List 2021-2023
- #1. Hot-blooded 3D Wuxia Animation
- #2. Chinese Wuxia Comedy
- #3. New Chinese Wuxia Original
- #4-6. More Upcoming Chinese Wuxia Animations (For Logged-ins)
- The Next May Interest You
- Share & Comment
What Are Chinese Wuxia Animations?
The word "Wuxia", originating from the pronunciation and pinyin of Chinese word "武侠" (wǔ xiá), refers to the Martial Arts 武术 (wǔ shù) and Kongfu 功夫 (gōng fu) in Chinese culture (that the character "武" stands for), and also a group of people who are good at Martial Arts and acting as a "侠" with the spirit and belief to help the weak and uphold justice in the martial world, in which the character "侠" could be roughly understood as Chinese heroes with strong and skillful martial-arts ability.
Chinese Wuxia Animations
Chinese Wuxia Animations is a popular segment among the Chinese animes and animations, equivalent to martial arts animations. It generally tells the story that the commons become stronger or powerful martial heroes through fighting, skillful practice, physical/mental cultivation, and even obtaining supernatural abilities, blending with multiple plots to enrich the story including romance, friendship, revenge, eliminating the bad or evils, skills upgrades, etc. And it's expected that one or more of the following upcoming Chinese wuxia animations list would become the outstanding ones in 2021 and the future.
Preview: The Upcoming Chinese Wuxia Animations List 2021-2023
2021-2023 年待播的中国武侠动画一览
Continue to the following list of upcoming Chinese wuxia animations 2021-2023 with their titles and brief introduction upon the limiting public materials, in both English and Chinese language, without particular order.
继续阅读以下 2021-2023 年待播的中国武侠动画名单,提供中英文名及有限的故事简介,排名不分先后。
#1 The Hot-blooded 3D Wuxia Animation:
"Youths and Golden Coffin Season 2"
中国 3D 热血武侠:《少年歌行 2》
Title: Youths and Golden Coffin (aka. Shao Nian Ge Xing: Feng Hua Xue Yue)
名 称:少年歌行(第二季):风花雪月篇
Airing Schedule: July 2021 (China)
待播时间:2021 年 7 月
Airing On: Bilibili
Genres: Chinese Animation, Adaption on Chinese Novel, Hot-Blooded, Chinese Costume, Ancient Customs
类 型:中国动画,中文小说改编,热血,古风

As one of the best Chinese Wuxia Animation Series of 2020, it's the 2nd Season scheduled to be airing in the mid-year 2021. The new season will continue to give a showcase of the youth martial world and young heroes with the storytelling that a rookie guy Lei Wujie and the mystery host of the Xueluo Resort Xiao Se, go forward together into the largest Xueyue city. After meeting other young martial heroes, they are not only involved in complicated disputes within the whole martial world but also dragged into struggles among the imperial families.
2020 年的优秀中国武侠动漫剧集之一。待播第二季预计在 2021 年中开播,讲述初出茅庐的少年侠客雷无桀,雪落山庄神秘庄主萧瑟,结伴深入江湖第一大城雪月城后,与各路少年侠客,齐齐卷入错综复杂的江湖纷争及皇室争斗的故事,带来不一样的少年江湖。
#2 Chinese Humorous Wuxia Animation:
"Are You OK Season 2"
中式搞笑武侠动画:《有药 2》
Title: Are You OK Season 2 (aka. You Yao 2)
名 称:有药 2
Airing Schedule: End of 2021 (China)
待播时间:2021 年年底
Airing On: iQiyi (China)
Genres: Chinese Animation, Comedy, Martial-Arts/Wuxia, Chinese Humor, Time Travel (to Ancient)
类 型:中国动画,喜剧,武侠,搞笑,穿越

It's obviously another upcoming Chinese Wuxia animation 2021, the sequel to the namesake as well. The story tells a group of modern time-travelers back into the ancient, with the ideal expectation for advanced civilization and innovations, have to be faced with series of challenges and unpredicted risks, as well as the continuous funny conflicts and fightings against the ancients.
#3 New Chinese Wuxia Original:
"The Flame Imperial Guards"
Title: The Flame Imperial Guards (aka. Chi Yan Jin Yi Wei)
名 称:赤焰锦衣卫
Airing Schedule: 2021 without a clear date
待播时间:2021 年
Airing On: iQiyi (China)
Genres: Chinese Animation, Martial-Arts/Wuxia, Adventure, Suspense
类 型:中国动画,武侠,冒险,悬疑

It is the first 3D Wuxia Animation produced by the iQiyi team. The flame imperial guard Qin Hu, with a strong sense of responsibility and chivalrousness, gets involved in a big staggering intrigue with his companies on account of investigating a weird murder case and forced to reveal his birth secret covered for decades.
爱奇艺的首部 3D 中国原创武侠动画。富有责任感,又兼具侠义心肠的赤焰锦衣卫秦鹄与同伴,因调查一桩离奇杀人案件而逐渐卷入了一场关乎天下苍生的惊天大阴谋中,同时也解开了自己埋藏了二十多年的身世之谜。
Hope enjoyed and more are on the way...
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