July: Top 15 Great TikTok Chinese Music (Douyin) - Part One

2021年7月:15 首好听的抖音热歌(上篇)

Give you July's playlist of "Top 15 Great TikTok Chinese Music and Songs". They are the great songs or background music from the most popular Chinese Tik Tok videos which have been played frequently on China's Douyin app (TikTok's Chinese version) in July of 2021, according to the latest data. Make your Chinese language learning start from the following up-to-date and hot great Chinese pop music now. Enjoy and have a good day!

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
抖音中文热歌 Dǒu yīn zōng wén rè gē Hot Chinese music on Douyin platform, the Chinese version of TikTok.
中文歌单 Zhōng wén gē dān The playlist of most popular Chinese songs.

Related Chinese Words:
短视频 Duǎn Shì pín Short videos.

Related App:
抖 音 Dǒu yīn TikTok's Chinese version, China's most popular short-video sharing and creating app.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

Chinese Pronunciation on GoogleSay “List of Great Chinese Music”

Top 15 Great TikTok Chinese Music July 2021

盘点 7 月好听的抖音中文热歌

Give an ear to great TikTok Chinese music and songs from China's TikTok (locally called "Douyin") app. It's a good start on Chinese study and helps practice your Chinese language effectively. Try to follow the top 15 great TikTok Chinese music of July in 2021, enjoy them, and pick the favorites to enrich your global playlist.

聆听好听的抖音中文流行歌曲,是开启中文学习和练习的好方法。不妨从以下盘点的 7 月抖音上好听的 15 首中文热歌里试试,选出你喜欢的加入歌单里吧。

Keep reading to get titles of Chinese songs in English/Chinese/Pinyin, their artists, and brief information as well. One quick link or button attached at least to each song will lead to the related YouTube page, to help enjoy the top great TikTok Chinese music and songs from China TikTok visually and audibly. For more requests on Chinese music or lyrics, leave a comment at the bottom to let us know.

继续阅读可获取这些热门中文歌曲的中英文歌名(含拼音)、歌手名及歌曲简要信息,以及至少一个指向 YouTube 的链接或按钮,点击可跳转至 YouTube 上欣赏该歌曲的音乐作品。若需额外的中文/拼音歌词内容,请在底部留言告知我们。

"Self Recovery"


July's Great TikTok Chinese Music on China TikTok Douyin

Song Name: Self Recovery


Artist: Mu Zhexi

歌 手:穆哲熙

Language: Chinese Songs


Release Time: 2021-04-14

发行时间:2021 年 04 月 14 日

Genre: POP


With Chinese & Pinyin LyricsEnjoy Great TikTok Chinese Music on YouTube : )

"Turn Waste Into Treasure"


July's Great TikTok Chinese Music on China TikTok Douyin

Song Name: Turn Waste Into Treasure


Artist: Joker Xue

歌 手:薛之谦

Language: Chinese Songs


Release Time: 2021-07-17

发行时间:2021 年 07 月 17 日

Genre: POP


With Chinese Lyrics (Official MV)Enjoy Great TikTok Chinese Music on YouTube : )

"Jump For Joy"


July's Great TikTok Chinese Music on China TikTok Douyin

Song Name: Jump For Joy


Artist: Ren Ran

歌 手:任然

Language: Chinese Songs


Release Time: 2021-07-16

发行时间:2021 年 07 月 16 日

Genre: POP


With Chinese & Pinyin LyricsEnjoy Great TikTok Chinese Music on YouTube : )

"I Want"


July's Great TikTok Chinese Music on China TikTok Douyin

Song Name: I Want


Artist: Gai Junyan

歌 手:盖君炎

Language: Chinese Songs


Release Time: 2021-08-19

发行时间:2021 年 08 月 19 日

Genre: POP


With Chinese & Pinyin LyricsEnjoy Great TikTok Chinese Music on YouTube : )

"Ring Ring Ring"

《Ring Ring Ring》

July's Great TikTok Chinese Music on China TikTok Douyin

Song Name: Ring Ring Ring

歌曲名称:Ring Ring Ring

Artist: Bushi Huahuo ya (Original: S.H.E)

歌 手:不是花火呀 (原唱: S.H.E)

Language: Chinese Songs


Release Time: 2021-06-25

发行时间:2021 年 06 月 25 日

Genre: POP


With Chinese & Pinyin LyricsEnjoy Great TikTok Chinese Music on YouTube : )

More to be continued at Part Two.


Questions & Additional

Have you got any tips from this bilingual Chinese story above?

Do you have any other questions or suggestions?

You are free to write it down in the "Comments" section below or in our groups.

Any thought from you is appreciated, valuable, and might help the rest of the residents on the planet. 😀



Did You Start Learning Chinese with Pinyin?

Continue to read our User-friendly Chinese-Pinyin version of this story

(Unlocked for Free Logged-in and Premium residents only).

Hope it Helps! : )



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