Five Wuhan-Spelling-Implied Words Characterized Wuhan in a Viral “Wuhan Back in Business” Video (EN/CN/Pinyin)

“武汉重出江湖”视频:诠释 WUHAN 字母背后寓意及城市密码(中/英/拼音)

Do you know five Wuhan-spelling-implied Words that can characterize Wuhan, the city amid the COVID-19 pandemic? In early April, a 2-minute hot "Wuhan Back In Business" video went viral on China's WeChat moment and video Channels when the first anniversary of the lifting of Wuhan lockdown arrived. The video has summed up meanings implied by five letters within Wuhan's English spellings and introduced the city to the world in both English and Chinese language.

Target Story Words

English Words:

Chinese Pinyin:

Standard Chinese:

Similar Chinese Words:
城市密码 Chéng shì mì mǎ The "city password" cracked to describe the characteristics of a city.

Related Chinese Words:
中国城市 Zhōng guó chéng shì China cities.

Related App:
武 汉 Wǔ hàn The provincial capital city in central China's Hubei province.

Chinese Words Pronunciation

Chinese Pronunciation on GoogleSay “Five Wuhan-Spelling-Implied Words”

What is "Five Wuhan-Spelling-Implied Words"?


Wuhan, the city amid the pandemic and hardest battles against COVID-19 over the past year, spells its English name with letters W-U-H-A-N. As initials, these letters stand for five Chinese words and implications to characterize the city Wuhan, which is revealed within a 2-minute viral video titled "Wuhan Back in Business" spreading on China's WeChat moment and video channels, aiming to present the city to the world.

武汉,疫情过后涅槃重生的城市,英文拼作 W-U-H-A-N 的这五个字母,背后蕴含了的五个汉语词恰当诠释了这座城的特点。最近,一段名为“武汉重出江湖”的 2 分 14 秒视频刷爆了中国的微信朋友圈和视频号,揭示了蕴含在字母背后的城市密码,也向世界推介浴火重生后的武汉。

The Words and Paralelled Subtitles In "Wuhan Back In Business" Video with EN/CN/PINYIN Included

“武汉 重出江湖”视频及中英文字幕及拼音对照

The following five Wuhan-Spelling-Implied words and city characteristics are presented in English/Chinese and Pinyin as well, sourced from the public-released video with EN/CN subtitles included. Continue reading to reach the Wuhan-spelling-implied Chinese words and story of the "city password" for language study.


武汉 重出江湖

 Wuhan, Back In Business

Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

Last year the eyes of the world were on it as the coronavirus took hold,

Qù nián, dāng xīn guān bìng dú lái xí, quán shì jiè de mù guāng dōu zài zhè lǐ

Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

but there's much more to Wuhan than that.

Dàn wǔ hàn yuǎn bú shì nǐ suǒ zhī dào de nà yàng

Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

It's the biggest city in the middle of China

Ràng wǒ mén tòu guò wǔ hàn zhè wǔ gè zì mǔ

让我们透过 WUHAN 这五个字母
Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

and you can sum it up by looking at the spelling of its name.

lái kàn kàn zhè zuò zhōng guó zhōng bù de zuì dà dū shì wǔ hàn

Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

W 代表水

 "W" is for Water

Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

Wuhan is nicknamed "the city of rivers"

Wǔ hàn yǒu jiāng chéng měi yù


Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

because the Yangtze and the Han rivers meet here.

Cháng jiāng hé hàn jiāng zài zhè lǐ jiāo huì


Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

The city is also noted for its lakes.

Zhè zuò chéng shì hái yi hú duō zhù chēng


Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

Water makes up one-quarter of its territory.

Shì yù miàn jí sì fēn zhī yī shì shuǐ


Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

U 代表大学

 "U" is for university

Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

With a university student population of 1.3 million,

Wǔ hàn yǒu yī bǎi sān shí wàn zài xiào dà xué shēng

武汉有 130 万在校大学生

Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

Wuhan is the largest college town in the world.

Zhè lǐ shì shì jiè zuì dà de dà xué chéng


Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

H 代表高科技

 "H" is for high technology

Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

"H" is for high technology

H dài biǎo gāo kē jì

H 代表高科技

Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

Optical fibre, biotech, lasers, smartphones, they are all developed in Wuhan.

Guāng xiān, shēng wù jì shù, jī guāng, zhì néng shǒu jī, dōu zài wǔ hàn yán fā


Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

The city is a high-tech hub and home to legions of top firms

Zhè zuò chéng shì shì gāo kē jì zhòng zhèn, zhòng duō dǐng jiān qǐ yè zài cǐ luò hù


Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

such as Pfizer, Microsoft, Huawei and Xiaomi.

bāo kuò huī ruì, wēi ruǎn, huá wéi hé xiǎo mǐ


Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled

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Five Wuhan-spelling-implied words characterized Wuhan, Wuhan back in Business video, English Chinese and Pinyin Subtitles Paralleled



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